Twenty years around the world. Twenty years, from Japan to Columbia, in France and of course regularly in Switzerland.
Learning every step of the way.
Incorporating new techniques, gaining new perspective. Sharing experiences and collaborating with others. No secret formula here...
To create ones own universe, ones own methods is never ceasing to reinvent ones self. A shift, changing the angle ever so slightly so that the illumination reveals another perspective.
Exploring and expanding techniques, broadening both experience and mastery. A detail in a photograph, a subtle brushstroke of color in a painting, an image from a film, a dancer’s movement, the ornament of an exotic costume - are captured in the mind's eye and define ones perspective.
All of these experiences have and continue to nourish my vision, my techniques of illumination for the theater, for concerts or at the opera, be it a work by Brunel or Porras or any other genre classic or contemporary.
That would be light without human beings who see it?
Philippe Montillier
La Quête
Juliette Verneret - photo Guillaume PerretBertrand Belin et PCL
Comédie de ValenceLa Luna en Amazonia
Mapa Teatro - Les Abbesses (Paris)Amsterdam
Laurent Brethome - Le Quai (Angers) photo Nicolas Joubard (3)Au Bord...
Richard Brunel - Quatuor Debussy Théâtre de la Croix-Roussela Flûte enchantée
Omar Porras - Grand Théâtre de GenèveAlbert Herring
Richard Brunel - Opéra de RouenL'Elisir d'amore
Richard Brunel - Opéra National de LilleCabaret GlamRock
Jean Lacornerie - Les Subsistances (Lyon)Au Bord...
Richard Brunel - Quatuor DebussyThéâtre de la Croix-Rousse
La Visite de la vieille dame
Omar Porras - Théâtre Forum Meyrin (Genève)la Flûte enchantée
Omar Porras - Grand Théâtre de GenèveHedda Gabler
Richard Brunel - Théâtre de la Colline (Paris)Pédro et le Commandeur
Omar Porras - Comédie-Françaisele Barbier de Seville
Omar Porras - Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie Bruxelles